A continuing education course for you AND about the patients you are most passionate about.

This course is for clinicians (and those about to be) to gain the confidence you need to help circus artists get back to what they love and build a niche practice that makes you excited to go to work. 

Approved for 21 hours by the NY Physical Therapy Association

(contact me if you have questions about CE requirements for your state)

Now is the time to apply for the upcoming session!

September 25, 2023 - November 27, 2023

Over ten weeks, we will be breaking down what makes circus artists different. We'll touch on everything from how they approach their training and their body, how (and when) they present with injuries, what the most common injuries are, how to assess their circus skills, and how to get them back to training.

This is the course I wish I had when I was starting out. To try to fill the void I took courses about dancers, about cross-fitters, and heck even about pitchers to try to understand the challenges circus artists face, but the big thing I learned is that circus artists are different.

Fly High and Dive Deep into Circus Culture and Knowledge

In addtion to the ten week course, you will get the bonus of meeting and interacting with guest lecturers from complementary fields who know circus bodies and can speak about challenges that are unique to the circus population through enrollment into the 2023 Circus Smart Speaker Series during the course.

AND we will work on building relationships in your community to become a trusted care provider and get clients in the door for a thriving circus medicine clinic.

Apply NOW to see if you are a good fit for this clinical medicine course

"Emily teaches you not only how to treat, but how to better connect with this very specialized population. Its an amazing opportunity to build your skills as a PT and to network. This class is well worth the investment." - Kindra McDougall, PT, DPT

"The best thing about this course was just how well broken down the lectures were. Even though I have minimal experience with circus artists, I feel like I now have a good place to start. I've also had some carry over in my gymnast population, so it's been incredibly helpful!" - Ashley Hiscock, ATC

"If you are interested in working within the world of circus arts as a medical practitioner, then sign up for this course. This course is a rarity within the medical world. Take full advantage of it." - Vanessa Bishline, PT

Next Session Starting September 25th!

All classes will be recorded, but please plan on being able to attend the majority of them to foster great discussion and community.

Notes on scheduling:

Guest lectures may be at alternate times to accommodate their schedules. We will do our best to keep the time consistent for you.

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