
Welcome to Aerial Shoulder Boot Camp!

Here we will create a community dedicated to understanding our fundamentals to improve our aerial practice.

These exercises and the knowledge we will discuss are perfect for keeping your shoulders in tiptop shape or for getting your shoulders ready to return to aerial after a break.

Every program will include at least 3 exercises to help you understand and improve on the goal of that cycle. You will be provided with a video demonstration and explanation of each exercise. If you have selected the personalized program, you will also have the opportunity to submit your performance of each exercise for analysis and critique by Dr. Emily Scherb.

Because the body needs time to learn an adjust the release dates of each unit is about a week apart.


Tomorrow! Exercises to assist in the understanding shoulder motion and positional awareness

Next Week: Exercises to improve shoulder mobility overhead

Third Week: Exercises to strengthen scapular stability overhead

Fourth Week. Exercises to functionally strengthen the rotator cuff

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