Make 2025 a year of learning!

Every month we will have a new speaker and will be learning from leading circus researchers, educators, and experts in related fields.

Talks will be on Sundays with the times and dates specific to the speaker's availability and time-zone.

Can't make it live? No worries!!!

The talks will be recorded in case you can't make it and for those of you signed up for the full year you will maintain access throughout 2025.


You will be able to send questions in advance so they can get answered by the speaker when they are live.

Sign up for the whole series!

  • Save $60 off the individual webinar registrations
  • Gain circus knowledge and enjoy circus centric conversations each month
  • Support circus research and researchers (we pay our speakers!)
  • Learn directly from the people who are on the leading edge of circus research
  • Have access to speaker's contact information for any follow up questions
  • Get access to the recorded talks for the entire year
  • Join the movement to incorporate science with practice


Register as a SUPPORTING member and elevate the spread of circus science knowledge around the world. This level of subscription includes a donation to our Scholarship Fund!

Our scholarships make circus science open to anyone. By having scholarships we aim to increase our reach and make these talks more accessible to folks from around the world and across our community.

These scholarships are for folks with financial need for any reason. Anyone with needs is encouraged to apply.

Interested in applying for a scholarship?

Applications for the 2025 Series are now CLOSED

Congratulations to this year's recipients!

We are thrilled to offer support and access to Circus Science

Coming This Year:

Strength & Conditioning for Circus Artists

The Pelvic Floor in Circus Artists: A Balancing Act

The Foot and Ankle in Circus Performers

Circus Healthcare Updates from a Major Circus Company

Circus Hips and Injury Trends

The Research on Circus Shoulders and Prehab

New Studies in Low Back Pain and Circus Arts

Highlighting the Research Coming Out of Major Research Labs

Physical Literacy in Rehab Medicine

Past Talks Include:

Load Management for Circus Performers

- Tim Gabbett, PHD

Circus Dynamics Unveiled: Analyzing Maximal Dynamic Forces in Diverse Circus Disciplines

- Marion Cossin, PHD

Performance Nutrition for Circus Artists: Highlights & Common Pitfalls

- Dr. Alexia De Macar

The Athletic Shoulder Framework: Insights from Profiling Circus Performers

- Ben Ashworth, MPT

Bendy Bodies; Bendy Brains

- Dr. Jessica Eccles

Hormone Health for Artistic Athletes

- Dr. Nicky Keay

Circus Artists on Broadway

- Melody Hrubes, MD, FASCM

Sports Related Concussions & Circus Arts

- Dr. David Munro

Psychology of Injuries Under the Big Top

- Dr. Fleur Van Rens

Hypermobility in the Circus Performer

- Dr. Linda Bluestein

And More!!

Save Your Seat!